The IMDT For Today's Dog Trainers & Behaviourists

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LEVEL FOUR 12 Months Training and Behaviour Consultations and Functions of Behaviour

Level 4: Training and Behaviour Consultations: 1-2-1 training and behaviour consultations: A Practical Guide for the Real World! You can book today, and state on the booking form when... [ Read more ]

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Level 4: Training and Behaviour Consultations:

1-2-1 training and behaviour consultations: A Practical Guide for the Real World!

You can book today, and state on the booking form when you'd like to actually commence your first unit

"Excellent Tutor Support"

Understanding and Working with Canine Behaviour – Consultations, Foundations and Function of Behaviour
1-2-1 training and behaviour consultations: A Practical Guide for the Real World!

Level 4 Accredited with OCN London
This course covers in detail the process of behaviour work, from the initial contact, safety, consultations, learning and training, through to report writing and follow-up with the clients and their dog or dogs.
This is an in-depth course, using science and learning theory for both the human and the canine, to enable the student to gain a superior level of understanding in what is the most complex, yet necessary part of any behaviourists toolbox.
The course progresses through four units over 12 months and covers:

Planning behaviour consultations:

§  Essential elements within the consultation process
§  Medical issues and veterinary support
§  Environment; people, animals and the effect on consultation practices

Health & Safety and Risk Assessment:

§  Developing risk assessments based on case specific detail
§  Health & Safety in the consultation environment

Communication with clients:

§  Questioning techniques and information gathering
§  Learning styles and their effects on information gathering and dissemination
§  How much information to give clients
§  Writing initial behaviour reports (case studies)
§  Are follow-ups necessary?

Analysing behaviour cases; determining suitability:

§  Prognosis; when, why and how
§  Referral, when, why and how

Evaluating questionnaires and cases histories:

§  Expanding and analysing client questionnaires
§  Welfare and approaches to consultation
§  Management, safety within consultations and modification protocols (case studies)

Foundation training and mental wellbeing:

§  Foundation training and suitability within initial consultations (case studies)
§  Mental enrichment, mental wellbeing and the effects on behaviour modification
§  Producing suitable hand-outs and information sheets for clients

Motivation and reinforcement; effects on behaviour and behaviour change:

§  Analysis of training techniques in relation to behaviour change
§  Learning theory in depth; relevance to modification and behaviour change in dogs and people
§  Reinforcers; levels of, differences in and suitability for, individual dogs and case types
§  What ‘drive’ is; how this affects motivation, perseverance and behaviour in dogs

It is expected that the course will require between 4-6 hours study, research and writing per week.

This course is best suited to those that are intending to or are already carrying out visits to client’s properties for behaviour modification, or in-depth training consultations and therefore covers the entire process in detail.
The course is designed to be testing, requires commitment and precision alongside good studying processes. The course is accredited by OCN London and falls within their guidelines for assessment.

The IMDT Level 4 correspondence course is a really important course if you are considering a career in 1-2-1 dog training and/or behaviour. We often get asked whether it is appropriate to jump from our Level 3: Learning, Motivation and Reinforcement to Level 5 or go straight in at Level 5. Our correspondence courses are carefully designed to work together in sequence. Please consider that it’s a big jump from Level 3 to Level 5 and also, depending on what you are planning for your career, you will be missing a huge amount of really important, practical knowledge that is essential for the day to day working life of a 1-2-1 trainer/behaviourist in Level 4.  Level 5 builds on the learning from Level 4 and the last Unit in Level 5 is a ‘live’ case study of a behaviour case of your choice and the format for this is covered in detail in Level 4.

If you would like to discuss the requirements of this course, please email 
[email protected] and one of the tutors will contact you.
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Course Feedback


Thank you very much for all your input, I have learnt a lot through your comments on the behaviour front but also how to organise my thoughts and then get them down on the page! The case studies do really make you think out the practical aspects - just what I need.



Brilliant course that really gets those brain cells working. πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“I'd 100% recommend every trainer to do this course as it gets you thinking differently about how to help each guardian help their dog!



After completing the Level 3 I was keen to continue and further my education within Canine Behaviour. The consultation and planning is an absolute crucial part of a behaviour plan so it was nice to delve deeper into this and really start to think about all aspects and contributing factors. It was extremely challenging at times but really made you think outside the box and search further (exactly what you would have to do in a real life scenario) and knowing it wasn't plain sailing just made passing even sweeter... now onto level 5!!

Yasmin Cryer


I would recommend this course for anyone working with dogs or just wanting to know more about canine behaviour. I have learnt so much and now have the knowledge to help dogs and their owners. What was even better was the kindness and encouragement shown by the wonderful tutors.



I loved this course, it really does make you think and delve into so many areas. There is so much to think about when it comes to canine behaviour and and modification. I really enjoyed digging deeper into areas and the support from the tutors is second to none. I'm not an academic person, I'm better at doing than reading and writing so doing this type of course is especially hard for me but there was so much help when I needed it, I learnt so much and I've used everything I've learned in my day to day working with dogs and their owners. I highly recommend this course for anyone that works with dogs and their owners, you don't have to just be a dog trainer/behaviourist to do this course, it would benefit anyone that works with dogs.

Jo Loft


Learnt an absolute tonne during this course, from where my knowledge was pre doing this to where it is now is unbelievable, not to mention being able to advocate for the dog. A must do if you want to expand your mind and be successful for your customers. Thanks IMDTB.



I thoroughly enjoyed this course and learnt so much. The tutors are so supportive and genuinely care that you do well.

Danielle Look


I just wanted to let you know that I had a session with a new client last night and they said how they found the session really helpful and they understood their dog so much better. I feel like the Level 4 has really improved my critical thinking and increased my level of professionalism and planning skills when delivering training 😊



I really enjoyed this course. This is really essential for anyone teaching 1-1’s or going into clients homes. It was challenging, but is supported really well with online and in person seminars, plus the info which is sent out with each unit. I found the deadlines were very achievable and I have a much better and broader understanding of behaviour, and what drives it, which is obviously very relevant to training. Every single unit raised my learning and understanding, which in turn has given me more confidence when teaching. As soon as I heard I had passed this, I signed up for the level 5 the same day, because I loved it so much. I don’t actually know of another level 4 course with such interesting and applicable content



Great course. A challenge makes the brain work harder so that the learning is retained. I found that skittles helped me a lot ( R) lol.This course takes you incrementally through the information you need to enable you to become an informed dog behaviourist. The information regarding neuro chemistry and how this affects the dog is essential to understand and it is delivered in such a way that you can read the reference list at your leisure and work out what is the relevant information to take forward. Rabbit holes are not just for Terriers 😁 yes you are going to get frustrated,yes you will think wtf have I done, yes you will come out of it better educated and yes you will make a whole heap of new friends including your tutors who are supportive, responsive and always there for you. Put your doubts to one side and go for it πŸ•β€πŸ¦ΊπŸ’•

Chrissy Moore


What an amazing course, it builds your knowledge and confidence without you realising. Presents scientific information in non-scientific ways too (very important for this non-scientist), I had read the course content and thought I could never do all of that but I could and I did. I'd really recommend a chat with the extremely helpful office- they are all so supportive and helpful, I really enjoyed the learning and the fun and enjoyment have been reflected in my training classes. Can really recommend the course.



Absolutely amazing! The tutor support is phenomenal. Even down to I had to take a break for a few months due to a bereavement and Lin stayed in touch, kept me believing I could do it when I was ready and put no pressure on me. The feedback from the units was always fair and thought inspiring. A brilliant (yet tough!) course.

Leanne Till


Phenomenal course - I feel I've learned so much through the level. I've absolutely developed my training strategies and consult approach following the research and feedback from this course. It has built my confidence and knowledge - and has been an invaluable step in my training journey! Thank you to all the wonderful people who supported me during my time. Roll on Level 5!

Meredith Ritter


Wonderful course, brilliant support. I am so glad I did this level 4. I have grown so much as a trainer, and its has impacted the way I approach my training. I feel so much more confident and equipped, and am excited to put everything I have learnt into good use. Thank you for the amazing support throughout.



An informative and well structured course providing the tools and confidence required to conduct professional, thorough and considerate consultations and provide well rounded training plans. The workbooks supplied guide you to carry out your own further study which often takes you into varying fields and delivers gems of information and helps you build your own resource guide for reference when dealing with future cases. A must for all modern dog professionals.

Tracy Parker


A very informative course. I have learnt a great deal and gained confidence especially in consultation situations. Looking forward to starting the next one. Thanks.

Erin Stephens


Although this course was quite a labour of love and many many hours of learning about a surprisingly wide range of subject areas, I did feel quite disappointed when I successfully completed it.... so after a very short rest I signed up for L5... hopefully that says everything about how great this course is! It massively boosted my knowledge about and confidence with consultations, behaviour modification, all the vital aspects of control



Great course, I have learned so much. Great tutor help and positive, constructive feedback.I can not rave about it enough, on a high at the moment because just got my pass for the whole course, it is difficult so be prepared to put in the work but well worth the achievement.



I loved this course so much. Really interesting content and the workbook exercises guided you perfectly through putting theory into practice.

Julie Irving


Excellent and informative course with solid tutor support. A useful blend of both the human and canine side of behaviour consultations along with safety and management. The course covers neuroscience, physical drivers, emotional aspects and styles of learning amongst a myriad of other insightful topics. The perfect course for anyone starting off in behavioural consultations or as a refresher for those already established

Jen McCarthy


If you're considering which course/provider to go with to continue learning canine behaviour, I defintley recommend this Level 4 correspondence course. I've tried other distance learning courses before without success, but having just completed this course and passed is testament to the IMDTB's approach that will get you there if you commit. All the information you need is provided, along with guidelines for word counts for each question and the important deadlines to keep you on track to complete the course. Tutor feedback on each unit is excellent and incredibly useful. You'll also get the opportunity to meet with tutor, Dave Brice, in person when attending lectures or seminars that complement this course. I highly recommend you do so, as I believe the information provided at these attendance days really aided me to achieve better marks. Having been away from written study for nearly 20 years, the confidence boost this course has given me to continue pushing on with my further education in canine behaviour is everything, not to mention invaluable when dog training. Don't hesitate to book on this course you'll thank your self for it later.

Luke Wheldon


I've really enjoyed doing this course and I feel so much more confident about being a trainer now. It's not an easy course particularly if you haven't done any formal study for a while. But the support and guidance from the tutor really helps you to understand exactly what is needed. The subjects are really interesting and thought provoking. I'm looking forward to Level 5 now.



I have just completed this course which I have to say I have really enjoyed, it was a challenge, especially for some one like me who has been out of the education system for some time but I had fantastic tutor support which certainly kept me going, all my questions were answered and the feedback has been fantastic ,thank you Dave Brice . The course itself has helped me expand my knowledge and now feel I have a better understanding of canine behaviour, I highly recommend this course !!!

Michelle Roberts


Just want to thank you for all of your help and advise. This course has been brilliant and I have learnt so much throughout. Many thanks again Siobhan Stebbings

Siobhan Stebbings


Really valuable course. Excellent standard in both course syllabus and support offered. Dave Brice is a fantastic tutor with a seemingly bottomless wealth of knowledge.

Rachel Quigley


Amazing 12 months of learning and education working with likewise professionals and interacting and gaining support from highly knowledgeable tutors such as Dave Brice who's wealth of knowledge in these more difficult areas is second to none. A course that makes you think, absorb, understand and put back into practice the best to help and support every dog we work with. Well worth the time, effort and focus if you are keen on progressing in the Behavioral world.

Jason Evans


Great course, loads of important info and IMDT team always 5star

Ricardo M


An excellent course which greatly expands one's knowledge and understanding of canine behaviour and the various approaches and interventions to deal with problematic behaviours. A thorough scientific approach, covering drives, emotions, neurochemistry, pharmacology, diet, genetics and more.Dave Brice is an excellent tutor, encouraging questions and discussion (at the weekend tutorials) without judgement as well as being available for support via email if necessary. The learning becomes somewhat addictive as the more you learn, the more one finds there is to learn (that SEEKING drive!). A follow-on course would be something I would love to do. I highly recommend the course for anyone interested in working with dog behaviour issues. Although I still feel I have much to learn, I am so much more confident having completed this course.

Carrie Bates


This course gives you a thorough and practical understanding of how a dog's mind works, how to interpret what drives behaviour and emotional responses and therefore how to establish the most appropriate and effective behaviour modification programme for each and every dog. In conjunction with the classroom IMDTB courses Dave takes you through every corner of a dog's brain with his usual compassion, empathy and humour. Highly recommended for anyone encountering behavioural issues during their work with dogs.

Heather Witty


An excellent well structured course with varied content, that covers so many areas that are essential in today's behavioural arena. I would recommend this to anyone who is entering the behaviour world and wants to really understand how we can help. The excellent David Brice is a masterful knowledge base and leader.

Jason evans


Highly Recommended for anyone working with behaviour cases. This course is a really great way to develop your skills and put the science and practical knowledge we have into context. It compliments the IMDTB courses and I would recommend doing this and the IMDTB courses in tandem. Be prepared to do a lot of study and research, as the knowledge and information you will get in return will benefit everything you do with your clients. The course is extremely well written and managed, the course tutor gives great feedback throughout which will drive you to the next level.

Zoe Willingham

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